As a manager, mastering the various skills needed for success can be tough. The Modern Manager Framework provides a simple yet comprehensive view of what managers need to consider in order to lead effectively. This versatile framework can be used to explore any aspect of management. Whether you want to show authentic appreciation, handle workplace conflicts better, or run productive meetings, the Modern Manager Framework is your go-to guide for managerial excellence.

The Modern Manager Framework aims to bring alignment between how we think and what we do. The lower half of the model symbolizes the mindsets and principles that internally guide us. The upper half represents the tangible manifestation of those thoughts through behaviors and habits.
Mindsets, Principles and Values
We are not always aware of our internal compass and yet it is influencing us every day. This is why it’s important to be explicit about what matters to us. By pausing to articulate our mindsets, principles and values, we can identify what limiting beliefs might be holding us back, and what expansive beliefs might be propelling us forward.
Habits, Behaviors, and Actions
When we are concrete about our internal perspective, we can also begin to notice how we externalize those beliefs. In some cases, we notice our true strengths. In others, we may find areas for improvement. Occasionally, we may even discover that our behavior is out of sync with our values, which indicates further exploration is needed.
By cycling between internal reflection and external reflection, we can identify where a mindset shift might be helpful and where a behavioral adjustment is beneficial.
In addition to the two halves, the Modern Manager Framework incorporates three concentric circles, akin to a target. Starting from the center, the domains are self management, one-to-one management, and managing a team.
Self Management
Before you can lead others well, you need to lead yourself. This involves aspects such as developing a growth mindset, overcoming imposter syndrome, and implementing routines, such as daily planning and self-care practices to prevent burnout.
While it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind, we must remember that only we can control our thoughts and behaviors. If we aren’t showing up as our best selves, it will be hard for others to do the same.
One-to-One Management
The middle circle of the framework represents the one-on-one, manager-to-team member dynamic. It prompts us to explore how we engage directly with a colleague. Here is where we develop skills of appreciating, recognizing, and understanding our team members on an individual level. It involves offering constructive feedback, establishing accountability, nurturing trust-based relationships, and much more.
Team Management
The outer circle of the framework looks at managing the team as a whole. This introduces a new level of complexity, as it involves not only managing a group collectively, but also fostering connections and positive work among and between team members. Skills such as conflict resolution, facilitating productive meetings, and nurturing a strong team culture are all crucial in this realm.
Although specific skills were noted as examples in the sections above, the truth is that every skill has elements throughout the framework. Using time management as an example, here’s how it unfolds for myself.
Self-management: I believe in doing the most important task first, but I don’t always follow through on that. When the task feels challenging or not fun, I tend to avoid it. This is an opportunity for me to adjust my behavior to better align with my intention. My favorite hack (which I used to write this blog article) is to set a five minute timer and commit to doing the task for only five minutes. By reducing the task to five minutes, it’s easier to motivate myself to get started. Usually I keep going thanks to the momentum, but if I want to stop or take a break, I can.
One-to-one management: I want to be available to my team members when they need help. I express this by letting them know how and when to contact me. I also reiterate that they’re never bothering me with questions.
Team management: I respect my time and that of my team. When we gather for meetings, I clarify the desired outcome and plan the agenda so we can use our time together wisely.
As you explore any given skill using the model, you will likely identify multiple values, principles, beliefs and mindsets and many more behaviors, habits and actions. The more exploration, the more thoughtful you can be in how you show up and how you develop yourself.
Put simply, the Modern Manager Framework encourages managers to intentionally oversee themselves, engage individually with team members, and collaborate with the entire team. Adopting the Modern Manager Framework as a guide will not only optimize your management approach but also help you lead your team with purpose. It will serve as a constant reminder to consider all facets of management which will better lead you through your professional growth journey. By examining and adjusting our mindset and behaviors across the board, we can develop a management style that truly reflects our authentic selves, fostering a work environment in which everyone thrives.
Listen to the entire episode HERE to learn more about using the Modern Manager Framework to guide your professional development.
Guest Bonus: Free Modern Manager Framework Worksheet
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